Rail Vikas Nigam Limited
Indian Railways
NeoGeoInfo has done this project for Rail Vikas Nigam Limited for DEM Creation and related activities and Alignment finalization and transfer of the alignment to the ground under project entitled “Consultancy Works for Development of New Alignment including Refinements , Geological & Geophysical mapping , Final Location Survey and detailed Abstract Cost Estimating of 125 km long Broad Gauge New Rail Link Between Rishikesh and Karanprayag via Devprayag in the State of Uttarakhand, India.”
Type of service
DEM Creation and related activities and Alignment finalization and transfer of the alignment to the ground for proposed New BG Rail Line from Rishikesh to Karnaprayag.
Scope of Work
- Geo-referencing and Digitization of Toposheets
- Geo-referencing and Digitization of Geological Maps
- DGPS Point Collection
- Traverse survey and Conversion of Data to MSL (Total Station Survey for transfer of SOI BMs)
- Image Processing
- DEM creation
- Contour Generation
- Image Draping on DEM, Creation of Basemap for analysis
- Design of Alignment s using MX Rail 3 Alternatives (minimum 3 iterations)
- Study of alignments on the ground with Experts for 3 Alternatives (minimum 3 iterations)
- Refinement of Alignment after studies
- Development of L section and Cross sections
- Staking of alignment and controls on ground
- Development of Detailed Yard plans
- Digitization of Revenue maps and Forest Maps and superimposition on base maps
- Creation of GIS Data with all layers
- Fixing of Permanent Pillars on ground.
Objective of the project
Development of alignment using Satellite Imageries including review and refinement of preliminary alignment based stability considerations, geological consideration, construction consideration, accessibility, safety, maintainability, environmental considerations, optimum life cycle cost of project etc,.
Establishment of Control Points for alignment control, staking of final railway and access road alignment & Railway boundary and Environmental studies for construction of Broad Gauge Rail Link between Rishikesh and Karanprayag via Devprayag.
Achievements/ Results
After successfully completion of the stipulated task by Geoinfosys, The Railway Route between Rishikesh and Karanprayag via Devprayag is under construction for the fulfillment of the dream for rail connectivity in the upper Himalayas, will now be extended up to Sonprayag, near Kedarnath, situated at an altitude of almost 6,000 feet above sea level.